Episode 13: Full Transcript

[00:00:00.44] ALLAN EGBERT: Listen, data and APIs. Anyone could build whatever workflows they want. But when you get it down to that like-- call it that fundamental unit of technology DNA, that's what gives you all sorts of options.
[00:00:18.27] SPEAKER 1: This is The Insurance Technology Podcast where we bring interesting people from across the insurance ecosystem to discuss and debate technology's impact on the industry. Join us each episode for insights and best practices from industry stewards and tomorrow's innovators. Now, here's your host,
[00:00:38.31] REID HOLZWORTH: All right, in this episode, we're back with Mike and Allan. We're going to get their thoughts of where they see InsurTech going in 2022 and beyond, some really good stuff there. A lot of wisdom is going to come out of this one like Allan's great wisdom on data and APIs are fundamental. It's funny. It's like, duh, but it's funny how we still talk about this stuff in our industry. Then we're going to hear what these dudes do outside of work. Some really cool, fun stuff. Stay tuned.
[00:01:13.18] Here's the thing, for the listeners, Ask Kodiak, rocket ship story, you guys connected really the industry in so many ways. You changed the game in appetite. Really, I mean, you could say that we've done some of that and IVANS but you guys just crushed it. And what you really did is you connected all of these InsurTechs. So most of the InsurTechs that are out there are using your services, let's be real. And so you've done some really, really awesome things.
[00:01:44.53] So you know these guys. They're all your friends and family. What do you see being really influential to our market in this year and next? What is really going to make moves in the industry in your opinion? And you can name names or you don't have to, whatever. Do whatever you do. But what kinds of things are going to move the industry in a good way?
[00:02:13.00] MIKE ALBERT: People. So technology is always the back story. But you got folks out there. I mean, you mentioned InsurTechs, and I'll bring up Rogov and the Ptarmigan team just because we were hanging out with the other day. They're top of mind for me. This is not exclusive to them but they're thinking that some really cool ways to help agents on the small commercial side. And not just thinking of but making it happen.
[00:02:36.76] What's great is they're serving a little niche and then there's other guys elsewhere doing similar things for a different niche or a different part of the insurance world. Insurance is big and it's complicated and there's a lot of moving parts and there's a lot of ways to do things. And we're not moving towards a scenario where there's like one way of doing insurance. It's going to be what it's always been. It's going to be what it's always been, but it's going to be much more technologically enabled, and folks like that are finding some great ways to do it.
[00:03:05.33] So technology that enables folks to build brand new businesses, ways of doing things to be successful in and of themselves is the transformative thing. Technology that can be plugged in, reassembled, stacked in different ways to support these different business ideas, concepts, workflows, whatever you want to call it, that to me is the transformative thing, the connection itself, the APIs, data, the ability to roll your own InsurTech is going to be huge. It already is.
[00:03:42.38] ALLAN EGBERT: Yeah. I mean, that's-- listen, data and APIs, anyone can build whatever workflows they want. But when you get it down to that-- call it that fundamental unit of technology DNA, that's what gives you all sorts of options. We weren't an app company. I mean, Mike design's incredible looking apps but like the DNA of Ask Kodiak was this API service because it was-- and I mean like a real-- like google Ask Kodiak, go on the web, ask for API keys, and go off and do it versus some of the other thing--
[00:04:31.26] If you're not using someone's API in less than five minutes, I'd argue you're maybe dealing with something that's a little bit more antiquated than a modern API. I look at just anything else I use outside of insurance as an engineer or as a consumer, there are just all these ideas out there where you look at them, and it's like I mean, why can't we do that in insurance? Like banking. Banking has compliance and regulation but there's patterns there to adopt and to try to get those things to work. And if you make it freaking easy, people will build on your stuff.
[00:05:12.48] It's not about making your stuff free. That's there's freemium tiers for different consumer products, that's an interesting idea. But I mean, it's got to be easy. And I mean really easy. And then if it's easy, does it bring value? And if you hit those two things, that's how you start chaining different companies together, and it's like all of a sudden, you've got a new insurance ecosystem from two, three, four, five ideas all working together in a chain of value. And that's what we've always looked at.
[00:05:50.56] We used to get the rant like-- we still get them occasionally, but you'd get the random email like hey, I built this agent finder app and I used your API. And the guy would send the screenshots. I'd look over at Mike and be like, did you see this? Did you see what this guy did? Like, this is like and it's cool. You know people are using it and you know it's coming from agencies but for me, the biggest kick was always the number of agencies that would actually build stuff with it like, these guys want to be involved in the technology conversation. That's all I know about agents.
[00:06:23.92] MIKE ALBERT: To that exact point, in the olden days, our early days in insurance technology, folks would ask us, oh, what is so-and-so doing on the app? What does so-and-so doing with the platform? This business, it's the last one. You know the answer in detail because it was a professional services project that went on for so long. This business, people would say to us, hey, what's so-and-so doing? They're making a ton of API calls. And we'd look at each other and go, I have no idea. They just did it themselves.
[00:06:51.25] And that's the change. That's the change. It doesn't require an army of people on calls, all day long slogging through this roadmap that never comes to fruition. It's like, hey, man, you want to make something happen, here's the tools go. Stop talking and start working. And people are doing it, it's very cool.
[00:07:11.04] REID HOLZWORTH: Is very, very cool. I experienced the same thing at TC, like, literally that's-- I've told this story before but when I met Ilya, Hackworth introduced me to Ilya. We would go over there, and I'm like, I don't know what this penguin thing is or anything. I show up and they're like, oh, yeah, hey. I mean, TC and we love Ted Canary. I'm like oh, really like know it?
[00:07:31.17] They're like, yeah. Oh, yeah, we're integrated into it. We got all our customers. I'm like, what? And then like literally while I'm there, one of our techinery customers is there with them. And I'm like oh, yeah, we're like my, what? And that's the kind of stuff you're talking about. We had no idea. And that's cool. Right?
[00:07:49.41] MIKE ALBERT: Yeah,
[00:07:50.36] ALLAN EGBERT: That's an exponential growth. That's exponential enablement. That's not like user sign-ups. That is like network exponential growth of your platform.
[00:08:02.96] MIKE ALBERT: It's cool.
[00:08:03.80] REID HOLZWORTH: That's the future. I mean, that's-- maybe the future is now, but that's the future of our industry. It really is. And it's building those platforms for people to be able to connect to and to build all these products around them.
[00:08:18.67] ALLAN EGBERT: I mean, and I think we're seeing more of it. Like Hazard Hub was another company. They just got acquired by Guidewire. I mean, that API was their bread and butter. And to be able to serve up data quickly. The term real time even, like, everything's got to be on demand real-time. There's no like-- you use Uber Eats like you expect it to be real-time not like get a download later that your order was back to your system. It's got to be like boom, and that's just the expectation.
[00:09:00.03] REID HOLZWORTH: Let's flip it. What's not going to work? What's out there that people are maybe talking about that's just not going to work we'll just say now? Just a bunch of noise, anything top of mind there?
[00:09:16.40] MIKE ALBERT: Well, I mean, the easy answer is anybody that's still saying something about cutting agents out. That's the easy answer. Is, oh, we got this thing that's going to make agents go away. Because I mean, you're dealing with complex financial products, especially on the commercial line side.
[00:09:30.47] It's like even as a business owner myself, I'm cool with using an agent because I don't want to screw this up. I want to make sure we got all the coverage we need, and I don't understand the idiosyncratic details of all these various policy clauses half of which could leave me hanging if I do this wrong. I think those kinds of models, although they've definitely scaled back, always raise the alarm for me. It just is usually somebody that doesn't really understand the business.
[00:09:54.76] REID HOLZWORTH: That's a really good qualification question. Not even question, but you hear that you're right like just kind of scanning through-- the people I've talked to recently. And they say that and you're like, you don't know this industry. They're not saying that they make that comment. When you actually dive into it, you're like what?
[00:10:11.32] ALLAN EGBERT: Go back to fundraising. Go back to fundraising for a lot of these companies. The first round is we don't need agents. The second round is, hey, we changed our minds. We changed our mind. Now we're building stuff for the distribution and the agents. I mean--
[00:10:27.71] REID HOLZWORTH: I know where you going now.
[00:10:28.76] ALLAN EGBERT: I mean, I know it sounds absurd but it really-- I mean, it really is. It's the first round. There's a model and maybe it's intentional. But the first round is we're cutting out the middleman. Second round, wait a second, we got stuff for the middleman now. That's the pattern. And you've seen it like over and over again. Again, it was probably a lesson coming out of agency report like it just wasn't-- that was never like on our radar that that was even going to be-- there was even a path there.
[00:11:04.94] MIKE ALBERT: Oh, yeah, right. In other words, for us, it's always been about agent carrier connectivity. There's links, that is. It doesn't get you very far in social situations but it's another topic.
[00:11:20.70] REID HOLZWORTH: So what do you-- so tell listeners, what are you guys working on now? What's the big project that you guys are working on right now?
[00:11:30.81] ALLAN EGBERT: So look, the big thing that we're-- I mean, on a meta macro level, right now it's full steam ahead integration with IVANS, business and technology. And so what's going to start happening is technology, and not necessarily to the visible eye when you see IVANS products and services and applied products and services. Ask Kodak features are going to start appearing. And it's going to be-- the content might look different or richer or more in volume, but that's the first place it's going to start happening.
[00:12:17.32] For us, whenever Mike and I have gone through these type of acquisition events before, it is like mission critical to show the market immediately that there is impact and rhyme and reason to why two companies came together. And so there's like the technical side, which I just described, and then there is call it, business side, even marketing side. As we're doing this, I'm tweeting on the IVANS Twitter account right now because Ask Kodiak is hosting it.
[00:12:54.46] And I think all of these things matter in terms of showing the market. We're now combining our assets, technical capital, people capital, and going in going in a new direction. So I don't know, Mike, if you again, he may answer it completely differently and in a better way.
[00:13:20.95] MIKE ALBERT: Here's what we're doing. Here's what we're doing. We're working together and we're working with Reid. And that's what's cool for us personally, is to be a part of this team. We're excited about this. We're part of the journey here. We're part of now the leadership on Reid's team and far to be building something together.
[00:13:38.18] So we've spent the last six years working away on our business together and now I got this new team, it's like an adopted family really. And we're getting some technology stuff out of the way but then figuring out what our plans are and it's really exciting.
[00:13:54.93] REID HOLZWORTH: So let's talk about it for a second. And take me out. We've been friends for a long time. Let's be real, so how has it been for the listeners, IVANS and whatnot? By the way, for the record, totally unscripted, and I don't care what you say. So how has it been?
[00:14:13.92] And for the record too, keep in mind, we have daily stand-ups every single day. Our leadership team at IVAN meets every single day for a daily stand up. Then we have weekly leadership meetings, all of it. How's the crew been? How are you feeling about everything now that you're in and you're really seeing it? What are your thoughts honestly?
[00:14:39.40] ALLAN EGBERT: I've been surprised on a number of levels. And you could Venmo me at Reid after we're done, whatever I'm about to say, I'm just kidding. So when we were talking early on, I was surprised like, wow, this is really a distributed company. And I don't know what my expectation-- not just because of COVID, it's like distributed in a good way.
[00:15:07.14] I mean, you got Canadians down to Tampa, Florida, and everywhere there between. And so you could tell if there is good team chemistry if that can work remotely because remote stuff is hard. Video is hard. Video is exhausting. It doesn't matter who you're talking to, like, video is exhausting.
[00:15:29.55] I remember saying to Mike early on when we left your house in Milwaukee when we were having secret discussions and trying to avoid chip pac jaco and Milwaukee asking us what the hell we were doing there, it didn't call them for coffee. I remember saying to Mike in the cause like you know that's like the product manager is like, I think we can work with those guys.
[00:15:55.92] I said, hey, listen. They were curious about what we're doing and sharing. It wasn't just a one way conversation. And that was like something I was looking for early on. I don't care like necessarily who's right as long as somebody in the room is right so to speak you when it comes to like making decisions and like where you're going to go. Just one of us has to be right. It doesn't matter who the hell it is.
[00:16:26.37] And I think that's why Mike and I worked so well together because he's right 90% of the time and I only have to be right like 10% of the time. But now it's like it's expanded. That part of it has been good for me because there's just a lot of things I don't have to necessarily worry about anymore because as you scale, you can't keep doing everything. I mean, you just can't. I mean, no one wants to.
[00:16:57.28] REID HOLZWORTH: We talked a little bit about that. It's an interesting-- through this transition, we've talked a little bit about that. It's an interesting day when you're like, oh, wait a second, I don't have to do payroll. Like this kind of stuff but whatever it is you can do it where.
[00:17:14.96] ALLAN EGBERT: Did I file this Massachusetts unemployment tax correctly? Seriously. It's like stuff like that. We're also trying to make sure we fit in, like, we've got so people get to know us a little bit and not like-- I'm sure everyone thinks Mike and I agree on everything, that's absolutely not true.
[00:17:37.70] We actually debate a lot of things but we know how to do it. And try and also to pick our spots on things where we could share experiences that make sense without coming in-- no one wants co-founders coming in guns ablaze. It's like you've got to be-- we have a responsibility to learn the team as much as they do to learn us.
[00:18:02.42] MIKE ALBERT: I was telling somebody the other day, I feel like I'm on a listening tour right now. So big company, I mean, right or wrong, this is a big company, IVANS and Applied. And there's a lot of moving parts, and there's a lot of people with great ideas. And to Allan's point, you don't want to come in bull in a China shop, here's the way we're going to do it but. That's not going to get you.
[00:18:20.87] So a lot of listening right now from our side, I'm fired up about the team. I mean, Reid, we've known each other for a long time but you're not a long-time IVANS CEO. This is a fresh team. And this is like fresh energy and fresh people and this is not-- these stand-up meetings you were talking about, it's not like we're hemming and hawing about some of these more antiquated, I'll call them classic connectivity kind of conversations you might expect that IVANS seemed to be talking about.
[00:18:53.57] We're talking about really interesting stuff, and it's invigorating. And it's cool because it's, like I said, a fresh team, fresh energy. And it's not optically what I think a lot of people think it is from the outside when you're looking at one of the more entrenched companies because of how many new people are here because of acquisitions, like this is a really new old company.
[00:19:16.11] ALLAN EGBERT: And let's be honest, the team is like super excited to be working with other people besides us, like are the Ask Kodiak team. There's no question about it. It's like they're so relieved to hang out with other human beings this week and the guy in office other than us. So maybe they essentially said as much on our team called the sporting, which is good. That's the way it should be.
[00:19:44.10] What about us? Let's throw it back on you, Reid. We're taking over your podcast. What about us coming in? Were you surprised?
[00:19:52.08] REID HOLZWORTH: So honestly, I think, and I'll speak for the rest of the team too because we've talked about it, I think it's been great. I think your energy and just you guys coming and being added to the team has been really good. I've been pleasantly surprised overall with how well you guys have just gelled with the team.
[00:20:15.83] We always knew that would work because we're all very like-minded. But you never know. I mean, everybody is a little bit different. But I think, and there's certain types that wouldn't work well that we all know that would just not work in our environment I think just because we like to have fun and we like to keep it light, but we're really serious and really hardcore about certain things or a lot of things, you know what I mean. But we're all having fun and it's like a dysfunctional family sometimes. And you guys are fit right into it.
[00:20:53.75] I mean, I think that everybody is just really excited about bringing in what you guys have built into our ecosystem. So we all know we're all hell bent after that right now, but really more so excited about what the future brings, especially when you're in the Innovation Lab seat which is coming because that really allows us to really focus on some really cool innovation for the industry, leveraging all the tools and resources, , tech if you will, that we already have. And that's exciting.
[00:21:30.08] And so I'm excited that you guys are having a good time, it's clear, and everybody sees it. And you've fallen in. And I could see why you'd be pleasantly surprised as well because you don't know. It is an old company, it's a big company. But I would feel that our culture is not, quote unquote, "corporate." I think that's fair to say like what that cliche example is of corporate. And you're right, we're distributed. We're all over the place this country and in the Canada and we work real well together in a virtual environment. And we have for a long time. Yeah, it's good. It's good. I know that was super long winded, but--
[00:22:10.97] ALLAN EGBERT: No, listen, if you want to keep pouring adulation on us, that's fine. We've got at least one more segment to fill. I'm waiting for the producer text to come in and say keep it moving guys.
[00:22:32.05] REID HOLZWORTH: So who do you think we should invite for future podcasts? Who are some people going to be good on this?
[00:22:41.21] ALLAN EGBERT: Good question. Do we want to name names? Will you be like we like to put some names over right now? I mean, I like folks who just they've got good opinions but they also are out there just creating output. Yeah, so we talked about Rajiv, Phillipe, Simsy, guys always got thoughtful dialogue on a whole variety of topics, like I just sort of reminded, like I'll call him about one thing and we'll talk for 45 minutes and just go off and all these other threads. An interesting InsurTech story, Mike, is like Paul Ray Lynch.
[00:23:40.36] REID HOLZWORTH: Oh, yeah. Ray, man. Yeah, cautery. Passionate.
[00:23:44.30] ALLAN EGBERT: From carrier to cattery. You can name the podcast of that episode, from carrier to cautery. The Ray-led story.
[00:23:51.67] REID HOLZWORTH: I don't want bring him up earlier because it's interesting what they're doing with cautery in that space. They're going to do well, man. They already are. But they're going to crush it. It's cool stuff. Yeah.
[00:24:04.87] ALLAN EGBERT: I don't know.
[00:24:05.65] MIKE ALBERT: Yeah, Ray is a good one. You know what's interesting to me, I think about Ray that gets me thinking about Bobby Collis and Becky Mauffray, and that the team at the team at garage, there's--
[00:24:16.12] ALLAN EGBERT: That should be your next-- that should be your next three like--
[00:24:18.76] MIKE ALBERT: Totally.
[00:24:19.06] ALLAN EGBERT: To prepare, put back get Becky and Bobby on Reid for a podcast.
[00:24:23.86] MIKE ALBERT: That'd be great. Invite us back for that one. That'd be fun. The reason I bring them up is because they're folks that are in a very traditional carrier environment who are advocating for change and advocating for a lot of this new technology. And they've got a different perspective in terms of what it takes to make this stuff happen for real that an insurance carrier scale, which is I mean, it's not my story but I'm sure that's not easy.
[00:24:54.95] REID HOLZWORTH: I know Bobby personally, and she's making moves, man, in a lot of ways.
[00:24:59.09] MIKE ALBERT: And she's awesome.
[00:25:02.80] ALLAN EGBERT: Reid.
[00:25:03.64] REID HOLZWORTH: What are going to say, Allan?
[00:25:04.76] ALLAN EGBERT: Not like a wild card, is someone from the InsurTech media world who has, like-- everyone shares their InsurTech secrets is Jennifer overhauls, Saint Nick Media. She's every panel, writes all the syllabuses almost for every conference, does work, everyone unburden's themselves to Jennifer in terms of what's going on in the marketplace. I mean, am I wrong?
[00:25:40.12] MIKE ALBERT: you're not wrong at all. She's done PR for us for a lot of years, real great industry, credibility experience, network, she's awesome.
[00:25:49.99] ALLAN EGBERT: Yeah. She's like media specialist to InsurTechs, publicists to the InsurTechs, celebrity InsurTechs, maybe. I don't know.
[00:26:01.54] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah, that's great. That's great.
[00:26:04.00] ALLAN EGBERT: She's going to text me after she hears this podcast, like stop throwing my name around but who knows?
[00:26:11.31] REID HOLZWORTH: So next question. I'm going to start with you, Allan. What do you do for fun? And now Mike, I'm sorry, I'm with Allan, you can't say stuff with the kids and the family because this is personally like just you. Because everybody says that, look, I got kids, family, the whole night. What do you do for fun? All right, go ahead, Allan.
[00:26:36.52] ALLAN EGBERT: For me, it's like skydiving, all the risky adventure sports. I'm just kidding. I've gotten back into surfing a little bit, trying to. Hadn't done it in years. I was never great. And I 15 years later, I'm like I've regressed. But I think with the past year, everything I've been doing is just to get outside, more particularly because IN New England you got that not like you guys get in the Midwest but you get that window of good weather and you just want to take advantage of it.
[00:27:14.09] So it's anything, any activity, sports, or otherwise working out or I'm not thinking about work like it's like choirs. And for me, that's how I reset. And that's what I like getting outside and outdoor activities in New England.
[00:27:34.64] REID HOLZWORTH: Mike, how about you, man?
[00:27:36.45] MIKE ALBERT: I like doing stuff with my family.
[00:27:44.56] REID HOLZWORTH: I'm sorry, it's like everybody all the time, and they're always, like, oh, yeah, my kids, my wife. And I get it, look, we all do that. But like what do you do?
[00:27:55.75] MIKE ALBERT: I get it. Hey, man, was a joke. I like working outside, so like working on the house, working on my yard. I've got I've got a big lot. Like I did a project last year where I rented a skid steer for a month, the tracks skid steer, and did a bunch of grade work. I just play around with bulldozers and stuff like just being the four-year-old me is what's up.
[00:28:19.57] ALLAN EGBERT: No, he's got like, he'll rent Tonka toys.
[00:28:21.57] MIKE ALBERT: Dude, they're awesome.
[00:28:22.42] ALLAN EGBERT: And do heavy-duty construction projects at his house. So it's like there'll be a big cat, a couple of big cats out there in the driveway. It's great.
[00:28:30.40] REID HOLZWORTH: That's awesome. That's awesome. All right, last question. What do you like to drink, Allan? What's your jam?
[00:28:37.75] ALLAN EGBERT: Are we in like Doctor Pepper territory or more serious stuff?
[00:28:43.49] REID HOLZWORTH: We're talking about alcohol.
[00:28:45.14] ALLAN EGBERT: Beverages. OK, beverages.
[00:28:46.82] REID HOLZWORTH: Whatever you want to call them.
[00:28:48.56] ALLAN EGBERT: Beverages.
[00:28:49.13] REID HOLZWORTH: More like beverages.
[00:28:50.44] ALLAN EGBERT: I'm usually a light beer guy, but if I'm not a light beer guy in the summer, like a good Mojito or Greyhound.
[00:28:59.65] REID HOLZWORTH: Ooh, Nice.
[00:29:02.72] ALLAN EGBERT: And we go to Mike's house for the Greyhounds.
[00:29:07.81] MIKE ALBERT: So that's the pro tip on the Greyhounds go to stop and shop or whatever your grocery store chain is, get the crappy bag of grapefruits, because a lot of times if you juice them, there's a lot there and they don't cost very much. Get those and do the fresh squeezed grapefruit juice for your Greyhounds. Fresh squeezed with some good vodka, Tito's, or gray goose or something. That's what's up.
[00:29:30.84] REID HOLZWORTH: Nice.
[00:29:32.28] ALLAN EGBERT: How about you? What do you what are you going for, Reid?
[00:29:36.00] REID HOLZWORTH: Man, I like a lot of different things for a lot of different occasions. I would say Greyhound is my top five. But it's funny because I seem to forget it. It depends on what I'm doing.
[00:29:49.55] MIKE ALBERT: It's the summer drink.
[00:29:50.46] REID HOLZWORTH: One of my favorite-- yeah, it's a great summer drink. Probably my favorite, like, if I'm going to go to a nice restaurant, my go-to would be a really good up Hendrix, I don't care who may says dirty Martini, not super dirty, just dirty done right blue cheese olives, that's a great fricking cocktail, man.
[00:30:14.63] Like I said, I like the Greyhound. Good glass of wine with a good meal is great. And then beers. I mean, I'm an IPA guy for sure. I definitely like the IPAs. But there was a long time where I only drank beer. I didn't actually drink any alcohol. I just wasn't into it. I just really liked beer And then if I go to a dive bar, a crappy bar, it's like you've got to have your crappy drink but don't drink beer Jack and Coke all day long.
[00:30:41.91] ALLAN EGBERT: There you go.
[00:30:43.03] REID HOLZWORTH: Everybody can make it I can Coke dude, speak wine.
[00:30:45.86] MIKE ALBERT: Speaking of Ray Lynch, got me on to ranch waters down in Austin, Texas, which is still Pacheco and tequila, kind of a cousin of a Margarita. Put a ranch water on your list. You get it in Texas if you can, if that's not--
[00:31:03.12] ALLAN EGBERT: Hydrate with Gatorade beforehand.
[00:31:04.84] MIKE ALBERT: Dude, that was a long night. Yeah, no doubt.
[00:31:11.08] REID HOLZWORTH: All right, guys. Well, that's it. I want to thank you for joining, a lot of great stuff for the listeners and stay tuned everyone for more fun to come with Mike and Allan. The Mike and Allan show at IVANS Innovation, more fun to come for the industry. But now in all seriousness guys, awesome job, awesome company, been in business for a long time.
[00:31:36.80] You've done a lot of great things for the industry in a lot of ways. And you should really pat yourselves on the back for that. Sometimes it's hard to see that you have effected real change in the industry in a positive way with a new InsurTech startup company, which is very rare. So congrats, guys. Congrats on the acquisition, and congrats on the future. Guys, we're going to do some really cool shit together and we're all really excited about it. So awesome shit for sure.
[00:32:12.50] MIKE ALBERT: Oh, thank you. I mean, thank you for those words. It's a lot. Appreciate that.
[00:32:18.16] REID HOLZWORTH: All right, that's it. Till next time.
[00:32:21.19] ALLAN EGBERT: Hit by music.
[00:32:24.63] REID HOLZWORTH: Wow. That was awesome. Well, thank you, Mike and Allan. Look, I'm looking forward to having a Greyhound or two or maybe five with you boys in Boston, and really, really excited about building cool stuff with these dudes in the future. Sounds like I need to head to a dive bar down in Texas and have a ranch water. Funny thing, I just bought a F-250 King Ranch. Maybe I need to have a ranch water on a ranch in the King Ranch, sounds like a country song. Well, stay tuned for upcoming episodes where we talk with other amazing guests and have a lot of fun like we had with Mike and Allan. Hope you enjoyed it.



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